escaped death|escape death in English

avoided death

Use "escaped death|escape death" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "escaped death|escape death" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "escaped death|escape death", or refer to the context using the word "escaped death|escape death" in the English Dictionary.

1. He escaped death by an inch.

2. He feigned death to escape capture.

3. They narrowly escaped from the jaws of death.

4. Miraculously, the guards escaped death or serious injury.

5. He escaped death by a hair's s breadth.

6. I had a narrow escape from death.

7. They had a narrow escape from death.

8. Olombe was sentenced to death in 1965 but escaped from prison.

9. (b) How did David have a narrow escape from death?

10. Yet no one has ever been able to escape death.

11. They were hacked to death as they tried to escape.

12. Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.

13. During the Vietnam War, he narrowly escaped death in the 1967 Forrestal fire.

14. As a result, Jesus escaped death at the hands of vicious King Herod.

15. Looking to her heart, she sees the chasm left by a death she narrowly escaped.

16. He later claimed that he simply refused to mount it and in that way escaped death.

17. He landed wheels-up on the sandbank and he and all the crew escaped certain death.

18. Although Absalom tried to escape, he soon met his death. —2 Samuel 18:7-15.

19. Death by drowning, death by Russian or death by monster?

20. 🔊 To escape a death sentence, the killer knew he had to Absquatulate from the country

21. Milton went into hiding, and only with the help of powerful friends did he escape death.

22. Death by suicide, Confirmation of death

23. Just before liberation, this brother narrowly escaped death during the bombardment of the camp where he was being held.

24. Death to Death Imprison- ment to 10

25. The trait of the body is its temporality or the fact that it can not escape death.